
Birch sap "Cheerfulness"
Ingredients: fresh birch sap, rose hip infusion, white sugar, citric acid. Nutritional value in 100 g of juice contains: carbohydrates - 6 g. Energy value (caloric content) of 100 g of juice - 24 kCal / 96.23 kJ. Shelf life - 1 year.
Net weight 3000 g ± 2%
Маса нетто 3000 г ±2%

Birch sap with sugar
Ingredients: fresh birch sap, white sugar, citric acid. Nutritional value in 100 g of juice contains: carbohydrates - 5.8 g. Energy value (caloric content) of 100 g of juice - 23 kCal. Shelf life - 1 year from the date of manufacture
Net weight 3000 g ± 2%
Маса нетто 3000 г ±2%

Natural apple juice
Ingredients: freshly squeezed apple juice. Nutritional value of 100 g of product: carbohydrates - 10 g, vitamins: C - 3.0 mg, carotene - 0.5 mg, PP - 0.1 mg, B1 - 0.01 mg. Energy value of the product: in 100 g of product - 40 kcal. Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture
Net weight 3000 g ± 2%
Маса нетто 3000 г ±2%
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street Independence, 70.
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tel: 067-332-67-22
e-mail: oazaharchuk@gmail.com